地 址:福建省厦门市集美区盛光路566号
品目号 | 品目编码及品目名称 | 采购标的 | 品牌 | 数量(单位) | 单价(元) | 金额(元) | 产地类型 | 规格型号 | 产品属性 |
{{:map.catalogueCode}} | {{:map.catalogueNo}} - {{:map.catalogueName}} | {{:map.detailProjectName}} | {{:map.brand}} | {{:map.num}}({{:map.unit}}) | {{:map.price}} | {{:map.totalMoney}} | {{if map.ifimport=="Y"}}进口{{else}}国内{{/if}} | {{:map.model}} | {{:map.productProperty}} |
品目号 | 品目编码及品目名称 | 采购标的 | 施工范围 | 施工工期 | 项目经理 | 执业证书信息 | 金额(元) |
{{:map.catalogueCode}} | {{:map.catalogueNo}} - {{:map.catalogueName}} | {{:map.detailProjectName}} | {{:map.worksRange}} | {{:map.serviceDate}} | {{:map.pm}} | {{:map.certificateInfo}} | {{:map.totalMoney}} |
九、其他补充事宜:附件一、白金保型(全程无忧)服务条款 1. 服务设备 Equipment 服务设备是指本协议第1条中所列的全部产品 维保服务范围:直线加速器(主机、床、控制柜、控制系统)包括多叶光栅、iViewGT、水冷机、MOSAIQ 肿瘤信息管理系统软硬件、激光定位系统等与加速器正常使用相关的配套系统(含 IT 硬件) Hereby Equipment refers to all products listed in Article 1 of this Agreement. 2. 开机率保障 Uptime 服务内容中含保证开机率95%, Guarantee of 95% uptime is included.If it exceeds one day, the warranty period will be extended by one day 3. 医科达服务热线 Elekta Service Hotline 免费服务热线:800-810-2550;400-810-2550; 微信报修平台:ELEKTA_CS Toll-free Numbers:800-810-2550;400-810-2550;WeChat Helpdesk:ELEKTA_CS 4. 核心服务保障 Service Scope 4.1核心部件维护 Maintenance of Key Components ? 加速器主机系统、控制系统 Linac host system, control system A. 滚筒式机架运行Drum-gantry operation B. 行波加速管维护Traveling waveguide maintenance C. FasTraQ磁控管维护FasTraQ magnetron maintenance D. 滑雪式偏转系统维护Slalom deflection system maintenance E. 运动系统维护Motion system maintenance F. 水冷系统 (内循环) 维护Water cooling system (internal recycle) maintenance G. Integrity 智能控制系统维护Integrity intelligent control system maintenance ? 低泄漏精确多叶准直器系统 Low leakage MLC System Precision Multi-leaf Collimator A. MLC射束成型装置维护 MLC BGM device maintenance B. MLC外壳及防碰装置维护 MLC cover and touch guard maintenance C. 治疗控制系统架柜维护 Treatment control system cabinet maintenance D. 射野跳数剂量模块维护 Beam unit counts dose module maintenance ? 治疗床系统 Treatment table system A. 治疗床面的独立X/Y方向精度校准 Treatment tabletop: precision calibration of independent X/Y direction B. 平动和转动控制及摆位精度校准 Translational & rotary movement control and positioning precision calibration ? EPID实时电子影像系统iViewGT iViewGT EPID Real-time Electronic Imaging System iViewGT A. iViewGT的可伸缩式机臂维护iViewGT extendable arm maintenance B. iViewGT控制系统维护iViewGT control system maintenance C. 模板匹配功能维护Region matching function maintenance D. 图像批准功能维护Image approval function maintenance E. AutoCAL自动光栅位置校准AutoCAL automated position calibration ? 加速器安全性升级 Linac Safety Upgrade A. 合同有效期内无偿提供针对机器软硬件的安全性或功能性完善更新:FCO(Field Change Order) Provide free upgrade service for safety and functionality of hardware and software: FCO (Field Change Order), within the term of the Service Agreement. 4.2 三维放疗计划系统 3D Radiotherapy Treatment Planning System ? 物理计划数据维护,专人定期备份物理计划数据,提供技术支持及指导(由医院指定专人定期备份物理计划数据,医科达提供技术支持及指导) Provide technical support and guidance to data maintenance for physical plan, regular plan, and data backup, that shall be operated by responsible persons designated by the hospital. ? 电脑软硬件维护Computer hardware and software maintenance ? 原厂软件更新Original factory software upgrade ? 合同有效期内,无偿提供计划治疗系统非功能增加的小版本软件更新 Provide free TPS software minor version (non-functional) upgrade and maintenance within the term of the Service Agreement. 4.3 MOSAIQ肿瘤治疗信息管理系统 MOSAIQ OIS ? 系统运行状态监控 System status monitoring A. 可远程登录系统并使用远程诊断的方式监控关键系统运行参数来检测错误和故障 Monitor key system parameters to identify errors and breakdowns via remote login and diagnosis system. B. 提供WebEx远程系统接入支持 Provide WebEx remote system for connection support. ? 临床放射治疗参数质控检查Clinical quality check for radiotherapy parameters A. 病人实际执行的情况是否与医嘱一致 Patient actual treatment execution in compliance with doctor’s prescription B. 病人治疗过程中是否出现超量或欠量的情况 Overdose or underdose during patient treatment C. 病人的摆位情况分析 Patient positioning analysis D. 治疗过程中,Override情况出现分析 Analysis on override during treatment ? 定期保养Scheduled maintenance A. 计算机除尘清洁Computer dust cleaning B. 性能测试及校准Performance test and calibration C. 必要的电路检查Necessary circuit inspection D. 系统日志检查System log check E. 用户权限的增减和调整以及非紧急性质的补救性维修和系统垃圾文件清理等 Users access management, non-emergency remedial maintenance, and system garbage file cleaning ? 电脑软硬件维护Computer software maintenance ? 合同有效期内,无偿提供肿瘤治疗信息管理系统非功能增加的小版本软件更新 Provide free OIS software minor version upgrade and maintenance (nonfunctional add to the linac), during the term of the Service Agreement. 5. 预防性保养 Preventative Maintenance ? 按照原厂保养要求提供,以保证设备处于最佳运行状态,包括: Provide the following services per original factory maintenance requirement, to ensure the equipment is in optimum operating condition: A. 记录并安排保养时间Record and arrange maintenance time B. 根据保养计划更换损耗部件Change worn parts based on maintenance schedule C. 提供每年4次现场保养Two onsite maintenance every 3 months D. 调整/校准机器至符合验收手册标准Modulate / Calibrate device to the standard noted in the Acceptance Test Manual E. 记录设备状况Record equipment condition ? 预防性保养损耗品Consumables for preventative maintenance 预防性保养中需更换的损耗品由医科达免费提供 All consumable parts to be replaced during preventative maintenance will be provided by Elekta free of charge. 6. 可持续性升级 Continuous Upgrade ? 合同有效期内无偿提供加速器主机非功能增加的小版本软件升级和维护,以确保可持续不断提高设备的安全性和临床应用性能 Provide upgrade and maintenance free of charge for software minor version (nonfunctional add to the linac), during the term of the Service Agreement, to ensure continuous improvement on safety and clinical performance. ? 提供建议性升级方案Provide recommended upgrade plan ? 记录升级程序Record upgrade program 7. 医科达AI智能远程服务 Elekta AI Remote Service ? 通过高速网络让用户与医科达专家对接,可享受在线诊断、升级、自动报告及应用支持 Customers, connecting with Elekta specialists, through high speed internet, get access to online diagnosis, upgrade, automated report and application support. ? IntelliMax是由医科达开发的一个由网络保障安全的远程诊断服务工具,能够提供对设备的7X24小时全天候监控,以确保直线加速器的运行状况为最佳 IntelliMax is a remote diagnostic service package, developed by Elekta, providing around-the-clock monitoring of the device and ensuring optimum operating condition of the linacs. ? 可对50多种加速器故障提前预警,进行主动维修服务 IntelliMax provides early warnings for over 50 types of linac breakdown to enable proactive support and maintenance. (附件1到此结束End of the attachment 1)
标签: 医用直线加速 维保服务
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