



项 目 名 称

Chongqing Urban-Rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II ProjectCivil Works for Wulong Wujiang River Flood Management Work-Flood Protection Dike 2



招 标 人

Chongqing Wulong County Urban and Rural Development (Group) Co., Ltd




MINMETALS International Tendering Co., Ltd Chongqing Branch





Anhui Water Resources Development Co., Ltd





拟 中 标 人

Anhui Water Resources Development Co., Ltd















招标人:Chongqing Wulong County Urban and Rural Development (Group) Co., Ltd


招标代理机构:MINMETALS International Tendering Co., Ltd Chongqing Branch




Date: 24 March 2015

Invitation for Bids No.: 0716-1420CQ850452/0716-1420CQ850453/0716-1420CQ850454

Loan No. and Title: (Loan No.: 3022-PRC) Chongqing Urban-Rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project

Contract No. and Title: (Contract No.: WU-C01) Civil Works for Wulong Wujiang River Flood Management Work-Flood Protection Dike 1

(Contract No.: WU-C02) Civil Works for Wulong Wujiang River Flood Management Work-Flood Protection Dike 2

(Contract No.: WU-C03) Civil Works for Wulong Wujiang River Flood Management Work-Flood Protection Dike 3

Deadline for Bids submission: 10:00 a.m. (Beijing Time) 5 May 2015

The People’s Republic of Chinahas received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of Chongqing Urban-Rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project. Part of this loan will be used for payment under the contract Civil Works for Wulong Wujiang River Flood Management Work-Flood Protection Dike 1/ Dike 2/ Dike3. Bidding is open to bidders from eligible source countries of the ADB.The Chongqing Wulong County Urban and Rural Development (Group) Co., Ltd (the Employer) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the construction and completion of the works, including:

Dike 1: K0+000~K0+900 and 2 box culverts, with the construction period of 17 months after the Commencement of Works.

Dike 2: K0+900~K1+760 and 1 box culvert, with the construction period of 17 months after the Commencement of Works.

Dike 3: K1+760~K2+634.89 and 2 box culverts, with the construction period of 17 months after the Commencement of Works.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->International competitive bidding (ICB) will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single-Stage: One Envelope without prequalification procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible countries as described in the Bidding Document. Only eligible bidders with the following key qualifications could participate in this Bidding:

Dike 1 (WU-C01) qualification requirements include:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Domestic bidders should have the qualifications both Hydraulic and Hydropower Construction General Contracting Qualification Grade I or above and the Municipal Public Works Construction General Contracting Grade II or above. Domestic bidders must have the safety production license.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Bidders’ average annual construction turnover in the past three years (2011-2013), under construction or completed, is not lower than CNY 145 million.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->The cash flow or line of credit of the bidder shall not be less than CNY 18 million, which has deducted the amount of other contracts and the advance payment for this contract should not be considered.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Bidders must have successfully completed at least 2 (two) contract within the last three years (2011-2013) that is similar in nature to the proposed works and with a value at least CNY 80 million.

Dike 2 (WU-C02) qualification requirements include:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Domestic bidders should have the qualifications both Hydraulic and Hydropower Construction General Contracting Qualification Grade I or above and the Municipal Public Works Construction General Contracting Grade II or above. Domestic bidders must have the safety production license.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Bidders’ average annual construction turnover in the past three years (2011-2013), under construction or completed, is not lower than CNY 120 million.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->The cash flow or line of credit of the bidder shall not be less than CNY 15 million, which has deducted the amount of other contracts and the advance payment for this contract should not be considered.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Bidders must have successfully completed at least 2 (two) contract within the last three years (2011-2013) that is similar in nature to the proposed works and with a value at least CNY 68 million.

Dike 3 (WU-C03) qualification requirements include:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Domestic bidders should have the qualification both Hydraulic and Hydropower Construction General Contracting Qualification Grade I or above and the Municipal Public Works Construction General Contracting Grade II or above. Domestic bidders must have the safety production license.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Bidders’ average annual construction turnover in the past three years (2011-2013), under construction or completed, is not lower than CNY 151 million.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->The cash flow or line of credit of the bidder shall not be less than CNY 19 million, which has deducted the amount of other contracts and the advance payment for this contract should not be considered.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Bidders must have successfully completed at least 2 (two) contract within the last three years (2011-2013) that is similar in nature to the proposed works and with a value at least CNY 85 million.

The bidder can bid for only one contract or any combination of the contracts. Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents.

To obtain further information and purchase the bidding documents, bidders should contact the Procurement Agent at the address below.To purchase the bidding documents, bidders should write to address below requesting the bidding documents for Civil Works for Wulong Wujiang River Flood Management Work-Flood Protection Dike 1(Contract No.: WU-C01)/ Dike 2 (Contract No.: WU-C02)/ Dike3 (Contract No.: WU-C03), and pay a non-refundable fee of CNY 2500.00 for one contract, at 10:00-16:00 (Beijing Time), except weekends and holidays. In case of a mailed purchase of the bidding documents, additional service fee (including postage) of CNY 200.00 for each contract is needed. The Procurement Agent will send the bidding documents within 2 days after receipt of the letter of introduction and postage (including service fee). The Procurement Agent will not return the expense after sale.Deliver your bid:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Place: Chongqing Construction Bidding Trade Center

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Address: No.58 the First Changjiang Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->The deadline of submission the bids:10:00 a.m. (Beijing Time) on 5 May 2015

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l<!--[endif]-->Bid Security amount for Contract No.: WU-C01: CNY2million. Bid Security amount for Contract No.: WU-C02: CNY1.7million. Bid Security amount for Contract No.: WU-C03: CNY2.1million. Bid Security should be submitted with the Bids. The Bid security should be in the name of the employer. Late bids shall be rejected.

Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline in the presence of bidder’s representatives who choose to attend on 5 May 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (Beijing Time).

The Invitation for Bids is issued at http:///,,, and also published on newspaperChinaDaily.

Employer’s name and address:

Procurement Agent’s name and address:

Chongqing Wulong County Urban and Rural Development (Group) Co., Ltd

MINMETALS International Tendering Co., Ltd

Address: No.44, Furongxi Road, Gangkou Town, Wulong County, Chongqing

Address: Room 1-4, 11th Floor, Jingrui Building 2, No.178 Shulan Road, Yubei District, Chongqing.

ZIP Code: 408500

ZIP Code: 401121

Attention: Cheng Bin

Attention: Liu Fang

Tel: 153*****766

Tel: ***-********

Fax: ***-********

Fax: ***-********

Email: ********

E-mail: ********







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