招标编号:0618-234TC*****AY 日期:2023年10月07日
项目单位及名称 | 中国航发沈阳黎明航空发动机有限责任公司 低周疲劳试验机 | |
排名第一中标候选人 | walter+bai ag | |
最终评标价格(万美元) | 42.7829 | |
得分 | 97.00 | |
价格修正和调整说明 | 中文:评标价格含进口环节税等税费 英文:Bid price of import link tax and other taxes and fees | |
亚拜有限公司 | ||
最终评标价格(万美元) | 无 | |
价格修正和调整说明 | 无 | |
招标文件要求 | £商务 √技术 £价格 | 中文:1、“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格要求 *1.1.6机架刚度:不低于390KN/mm(1mm)”; 2、“27.1 b.招标文件(第二册)中标注“*”号的为重要技术指标及重要商务条款,对这些重要技术指标及条款的任何不满足同样将导致投标被否决。” 英文:1. " Chapter 8 List of goods requirements and technical specifications *1.1.6 Frame stiffness: not less than 390KN/mm(1mm)"; 2. "27.1b. Those marked "*" in the tender documents (Volume II) are important technical indicators and important commercial terms, and any failure to meet these important technical indicators and terms will also result in rejection of the tender." |
投标文件响应 | £商务 √技术 £价格 | 中文:1、“*1.1.6未响应” 2、“不满足招标文件技术要求,予以否决。” 英文:1. "*1.1.6 No response " 2. " Failure to meet the technical requirements of the bidding documents shall be rejected. " |
理由 | £商务 √技术 £价格 | 中文:技术评议不合格。 英文:The technical review is unqualified. |
未进入中标候选人名单的投标人或投标被否决的投标人 | 力试(上海)科学仪器有限公司 | |
最终评标价格(万美元) | 无 | |
价格修正和调整说明 | 无 | |
招标文件要求 | √商务 £技术 £价格 | 中文:1、“第六章 投标资料表 *13.3 4)投标人须提供其开户银行在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明原件或该原件的复印件(如资信证明中明确注明复印无效的则必须提供该资信证明原件,电子版银行资信证明应提供银行出具的有效证明;资信证明内容须完整,含多页的应全部提供)”; 2、“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格要求 *高温炉控制精度:±3℃;分辨力精确到0.1℃”; 3、“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格要求 *加热系统确保试样升温速度不小于 15℃/min;升温过程中不应出现温度过冲现象”; 4、“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格要求 *3.2 控制器要求可以实现单向控制、循环控制(力可以过零点)和其他设定的控制。功能上可以实现应变、应力、位移等控制,且无过冲现象”; 5、“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格要求 *3.5 数据采集系统应能采集计算循环弹性模量、最大塑性变形量、最小塑性变形量、塑性变形范围”; 6、“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格要求 *3.7应用软件至少包括中文和英文两种版本。需包括LCF 软件、WaveMatrix 软件、静态试验软件、裂纹扩展试验软件、KIC/CTOD 试验软件和JIC 试验软件,提供测量软件验证证书”; 7、“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格要求 *5.1 设备、引伸计、夹具以及配件要求原厂进口,设备的设计和制造应代表国际先进水平,具有良好的操作性、维修方便和安全可靠”; 8、“27.1 b.招标文件(第二册)中标注“*”号的为重要技术指标及重要商务条款,对这些重要技术指标及条款的任何不满足同样将导致投标被否决。” 英文:1. " The bidder shall provide the original of the credit certificate issued by its bank within three months before the bid opening date or the copy of the original (if the credit certificate clearly indicates that the copy is invalid, the original of the credit certificate must be provided; the electronic version of the bank credit certificate shall provide the valid certificate issued by the bank; The content of the credit certificate must be complete, including multiple pages should be provided in full)"; 2. "Chapter VIII Cargo demand list and technical specification requirements * High temperature furnace control accuracy: ±3℃; The resolution is accurate to 0.1℃ "; 3. "Chapter VIII List of goods requirements and technical specifications * Heating system to ensure that the sample heating rate is not less than 15℃/min; There should be no temperature overshoot during the warming process"; 4. "Chapter 8 List of goods requirements and technical specifications *3.2 Controller requirements can achieve one-way control, cyclic control (force can cross zero) and other set controls. The function can realize the control of strain, stress, displacement, etc., and there is no overshoot phenomenon"; 5. "Chapter VIII cargo demand list and technical specifications requirements *3.5 Data acquisition system should be able to collect and calculate cyclic elastic modulus, maximum plastic deformation, minimum plastic deformation, plastic deformation range"; 6. "Chapter VIII List of Goods Requirements and Technical Specifications *3.7 Application Software shall be available in at least two versions, Chinese and English. It shall include LCF software, WaveMatrix software, static test software, crack growth test software, KIC/CTOD test software and JIC test software, and provide the verification certificate of measurement software"; 7. "The eighth chapter of the goods demand list and technical specifications requirements *5.1 Equipment, extension meter, fixture and accessories requirements imported from the original factory, the design and manufacture of equipment should represent the international advanced level, with good operation, easy maintenance and safe and reliable"; 8. "27.1b. Those marked "*" in the tender documents (Volume II) are important technical indicators and important commercial terms, and any failure to meet these important technical indicators and terms will also result in rejection of the tender." |
投标文件响应 | √商务 £技术 £价格 | 中文:1、“所提供银行资信证明不完整,无背面声明部分”; 2、“*无技术支持资料”; 3、“*无技术支持资料”; 4、“*3.2无技术支持资料”; 5、“*3.5无技术支持资料”; 6、“*3.7无技术支持资料”; 7、“*5.1设备、引伸计、夹具以及配件为国内生产”; 8、“不满足招标文件商务要求,予以否决。” 英文:1. " The bank credit certificate provided is incomplete, and there is no backside statement "; 2. "* No technical support data"; 3. "* No technical support data"; 4. "*3.2 No technical support data"; 5. "*3.5 No technical support data"; 6. "*3.7 No technical support data"; 7. "*5.1 Equipment, extensometer, fixture and accessories are domestic production"; 8. " Failure to meet the commercial requirements of the bidding documents shall be rejected. " |
理由 | √商务 £技术 £价格 | 中文:商务评议不合格。 英文:The business evaluation is unqualified. |
联系人:于品铄 张冬慧 麻浩楠
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