2025年生活垃圾残液收运服务项目采购项目的潜在供应 (略) (略) 获取采购文件,并于2024年12月30日 10:00(北京时间)前提交响应文件。
Potential Suppliers for 2025 Household Waste Residue Collection and Transportation Service Project should obtain the procurement documents from (Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network) and submit response documents before 30th 12 2024 at 10.00am(Beijing time).
Project No.: ##-#
Project Name: 2025 Household Waste Residue Collection and Transportation Service Project
Budget No.: 0024-W#
Procurement method : competitive consultation
Budget Amount(Yuan): #(National Treasury Funds: 0 Yuan; Self-raised Funds: # Yuan)
Maximum Price(Yuan): Package No.1 for #.00 Yuan,
Procurement Requirements:
Package Name: New Area Domestic Waste Residue Collection and Transportation Project
Quantity: 1
Budget Amount(Yuan): #.00
简要规则描述:为全面贯彻落实长江经济带生态环境突出问题整改工作要求,进一步加强临 (略) 生活垃圾收集、清运、中转、处置过程监管。严格按照沪容监[2021]1号文件的相关要求,规范垃圾残液和车辆、设备、场地的 (略) 置,全面提升临 (略) 生态环境质量和生态环境管理水平。预估每天清运18吨的残液及冲洗水。
Brief Specification Description: To fully implement the rectification work requirements for prominent ecological and environmental problems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and further strengthen the supervision of the collection, transportation, transfer, and disposal process of domestic waste in the Lingang New Area. Strictly in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Shanghai Rongjian [2021] No. 1 document, standardize the disposal of waste residue and flushing water for vehicles, equipment, and venues, and comprehensively improve the ecological environment quality and ecological environment management level of the Lingang New Area. It is estimated that 18 tons of residual liquid and flushing water will be cleared every day.
The Contract Period: 1 year. From January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.
Joint Bids: (NO)Available.
(a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";
(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: (1) Implement reserved quota measures, increase the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in government procurement, and support policies for small and medium-sized enterprises: This project is specifically aimed at purchasing for small and medium-sized enterprises, and during the evaluation, small and micro enterprises will not be eligible for price discounts. (2) Support welfare units for people with disabilities and treat them as small and micro enterprises;
(c)本项目的特定资格要求:3、须系我国境内依法设立的法人或非法人组织( (略) 以自己名义参加采购活动);
(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: 3. It must be a legal entity or an unincorporated organization established within the territory of China in accordance with the law (this project does not accept branch companies participating in procurement activities in their own name); 4. This procurement does not accept consortium responses and does not allow contract transfer or subcontracting.
(i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";
(ii)未被“信用中国”(http://**.cn)、中国 (略) (http://**.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单;
(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (http://**.cn), China Government Procurement Network (http://**.cn) ;
Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from 17th 12 2024 until 24th 12 2024.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays)
地点: (略) (略)
Place: Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network
To Obtain: Obtain online
Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): 0
截止时间:2024年12月30日 10:00(北京时间)
Deadline date submission: 30th 12 2024 at 10.00am(Beijing Time)
地点: (略) (略) (略) 800号409室
Place: Room 409, No. 800 Huanhu West Second Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
开启时间:2024年12月30日 10:00(北京时间)
Time of Response Documents Opening: 30th 12 2024 at 10.00am(Beijing Time)
地点: (略) (略) (略) 800号409室
Place: Room 409, No. 800 Huanhu West Second Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
3 business days from the date of publication of this notice.
This project is a reserved procurement share procurement project, and the reserved procurement share measure is overall reservation
名 称: (略) 临 (略) 生 (略) 容事务中心
Name: Shanghai Lingang New Area Ecological Environment Greening and City Appearance Affairs Center
地 址: (略) (略) 南汇新城镇申港大道200号
Address: No. 200 Shengang Avenue, Nanhui New Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact Information: 021-#
(b)Procurement Agency
名 称:上海东华 (略)
Name: Shanghai Donghua Construction Cost Consulting Co., Ltd
地 址: (略) (略) (略) 800号409室
Address: Room 409, No. 800 Huanhu West Second Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact Information: #
(c)Project Contact
项目联系人#: 胡春红
Contact: Hu Chunhong
电 话:#
Tel: #
2025年生活垃圾残液收运服务项目采购项目的潜在供应 (略) (略) 获取采购文件,并于2024年12月30日 10:00(北京时间)前提交响应文件。
Potential Suppliers for 2025 Household Waste Residue Collection and Transportation Service Project should obtain the procurement documents from (Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network) and submit response documents before 30th 12 2024 at 10.00am(Beijing time).
Project No.: ##-#
Project Name: 2025 Household Waste Residue Collection and Transportation Service Project
Budget No.: 0024-W#
Procurement method : competitive consultation
Budget Amount(Yuan): #(National Treasury Funds: 0 Yuan; Self-raised Funds: # Yuan)
Maximum Price(Yuan): Package No.1 for #.00 Yuan,
Procurement Requirements:
Package Name: New Area Domestic Waste Residue Collection and Transportation Project
Quantity: 1
Budget Amount(Yuan): #.00
简要规则描述:为全面贯彻落实长江经济带生态环境突出问题整改工作要求,进一步加强临 (略) 生活垃圾收集、清运、中转、处置过程监管。严格按照沪容监[2021]1号文件的相关要求,规范垃圾残液和车辆、设备、场地的 (略) 置,全面提升临 (略) 生态环境质量和生态环境管理水平。预估每天清运18吨的残液及冲洗水。
Brief Specification Description: To fully implement the rectification work requirements for prominent ecological and environmental problems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and further strengthen the supervision of the collection, transportation, transfer, and disposal process of domestic waste in the Lingang New Area. Strictly in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Shanghai Rongjian [2021] No. 1 document, standardize the disposal of waste residue and flushing water for vehicles, equipment, and venues, and comprehensively improve the ecological environment quality and ecological environment management level of the Lingang New Area. It is estimated that 18 tons of residual liquid and flushing water will be cleared every day.
The Contract Period: 1 year. From January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.
Joint Bids: (NO)Available.
(a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";
(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: (1) Implement reserved quota measures, increase the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in government procurement, and support policies for small and medium-sized enterprises: This project is specifically aimed at purchasing for small and medium-sized enterprises, and during the evaluation, small and micro enterprises will not be eligible for price discounts. (2) Support welfare units for people with disabilities and treat them as small and micro enterprises;
(c)本项目的特定资格要求:3、须系我国境内依法设立的法人或非法人组织( (略) 以自己名义参加采购活动);
(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: 3. It must be a legal entity or an unincorporated organization established within the territory of China in accordance with the law (this project does not accept branch companies participating in procurement activities in their own name); 4. This procurement does not accept consortium responses and does not allow contract transfer or subcontracting.
(i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";
(ii)未被“信用中国”(http://**.cn)、中国 (略) (http://**.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单;
(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (http://**.cn), China Government Procurement Network (http://**.cn) ;
Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from 17th 12 2024 until 24th 12 2024.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays)
地点: (略) (略)
Place: Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network
To Obtain: Obtain online
Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): 0
截止时间:2024年12月30日 10:00(北京时间)
Deadline date submission: 30th 12 2024 at 10.00am(Beijing Time)
地点: (略) (略) (略) 800号409室
Place: Room 409, No. 800 Huanhu West Second Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
开启时间:2024年12月30日 10:00(北京时间)
Time of Response Documents Opening: 30th 12 2024 at 10.00am(Beijing Time)
地点: (略) (略) (略) 800号409室
Place: Room 409, No. 800 Huanhu West Second Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
3 business days from the date of publication of this notice.
This project is a reserved procurement share procurement project, and the reserved procurement share measure is overall reservation
名 称: (略) 临 (略) 生 (略) 容事务中心
Name: Shanghai Lingang New Area Ecological Environment Greening and City Appearance Affairs Center
地 址: (略) (略) 南汇新城镇申港大道200号
Address: No. 200 Shengang Avenue, Nanhui New Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact Information: 021-#
(b)Procurement Agency
名 称:上海东华 (略)
Name: Shanghai Donghua Construction Cost Consulting Co., Ltd
地 址: (略) (略) (略) 800号409室
Address: Room 409, No. 800 Huanhu West Second Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact Information: #
(c)Project Contact
项目联系人#: 胡春红
Contact: Hu Chunhong
电 话:#
Tel: #