


I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG*
Project name:酸洗排污系统介质监测系统(2.26)
project type:Open procurement
Issued by:Cold rolled sheet
Released by:Supply Engineering Department

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、Registration deadline:2025-03-07 00:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
BJ* 酸洗排污系统介质监测系统 1 Electromechanical branch 用于酸洗排雾系统环保监测改造,新增系统包含:①插入式风量检测流量计,数量1,流量范围100--*Nm3/h,管道DN600,含水雾酸雾等腐蚀性气体介质,要求传感器材质为耐腐蚀四氟材质,且要求具有抗震动和小信号屏蔽功能。②一体式PH在线检测仪,数量1,管径DN100,测量范围*-14;OPR-2000~+2000mV,测量精度:pH:±0.01pH;ORP:±1mV;温度补偿:-10~120℃③差压变送器(负压),数量1,腐蚀性气体介质,要求使用防腐蚀膜片;要求防爆;量程:-5~0Kpa;精度:0.002 ④管道式超声波流量计,数量1,介质为腐蚀性液体;管径DN25;带屏蔽气体信号功能。以上设备均需两线制4--20ma输出,安装管道材质均为PPH材质,传感器均需具有防腐要求,需提供相应材质表端及管道端配套配对安装法兰或螺纹安装接口,尺寸及参数供货前需现场沟通确认,并提供现场安装调试指导。建议仪表品牌:中科首创仪表,泊曼森仪表,天津昌晖仪表 申报人:赵良皓


I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG*
Project name:酸洗排污系统介质监测系统(2.26)
project type:Open procurement
Issued by:Cold rolled sheet
Released by:Supply Engineering Department

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、Registration deadline:2025-03-07 00:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
BJ* 酸洗排污系统介质监测系统 1 Electromechanical branch 用于酸洗排雾系统环保监测改造,新增系统包含:①插入式风量检测流量计,数量1,流量范围100--*Nm3/h,管道DN600,含水雾酸雾等腐蚀性气体介质,要求传感器材质为耐腐蚀四氟材质,且要求具有抗震动和小信号屏蔽功能。②一体式PH在线检测仪,数量1,管径DN100,测量范围*-14;OPR-2000~+2000mV,测量精度:pH:±0.01pH;ORP:±1mV;温度补偿:-10~120℃③差压变送器(负压),数量1,腐蚀性气体介质,要求使用防腐蚀膜片;要求防爆;量程:-5~0Kpa;精度:0.002 ④管道式超声波流量计,数量1,介质为腐蚀性液体;管径DN25;带屏蔽气体信号功能。以上设备均需两线制4--20ma输出,安装管道材质均为PPH材质,传感器均需具有防腐要求,需提供相应材质表端及管道端配套配对安装法兰或螺纹安装接口,尺寸及参数供货前需现场沟通确认,并提供现场安装调试指导。建议仪表品牌:中科首创仪表,泊曼森仪表,天津昌晖仪表 申报人:赵良皓






