Invitation to Negotiation
Project: 1 Set of Oxygen Mixing Nozzle for EO/EG Plant of CSPC Huizhou Phase 3 Ethylene Project
ITN Date: March 5th, 2025
1. 中海 (略) (采购人)就以下设备及相应技术服务进行竞争性谈判采购。现邀请谈判人对下列设备及服务提交报价:
CNOOC and Shell Petrochemicals Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as“the Purchaser”) intends to purchase the equipment and the relevant services with this Invitation to Negotiation (hereinafter referred to as “ITN”). The invited negotiators are kindly requested to provide the following equipment and service with Quotation.
Commodity: Oxygen Mixing Nozzle
Quantity: 1 set
从中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物: 合同签订后11个月(提单发货时间)
Delivery Schedule:
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory: 12 months after signing the contract (date of arrival on site);
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory: 11 months after signing the contract (departure date on Bill of Lading).
2. 从2025年3月5日始至2025年3月13日止,谈判人登 (略) 采办业务系统(http://**)下载竞争性谈判文件(电子版)。
The invited Negotiator may obtain the Negotiation Document by logging on the website(http://**)from March 5th, 2025 to March 13th,2025.
3. 谈判文件递交截止时间:所有文件应于2025年3月13日上午10:00(北京时间)前 (略) 采办业务系统完成在线上传。
The deadline and place for submission of Negotiation Document: All quotations must be uploaded on the above website no later than 10:00 a.m. March 13th, 2025 (Beijing time).
4. 竞争性谈判文件开启时间和地点由采购人自行确定。
Time and place for quotation opening shall be solely determined by the Purchaser.
5. 参与本项目的谈判人应在递交截至时间前在中海油采办业务系统(http://**)进行注册、完成在线投标报价等程序,否则其文件可能被拒绝。
The invited Negotiator shall register and quote on the “CNOOC Procurement Operation System” (http://**).Failure to complete on-line submission of quotations prior to the deadline for submission of quotations may be resulted in rejection of the quotation.
6. 谈判人有关于获取谈判文件、供应商注册以及在线投标等的问题,可以联系采购人。
The Negotiators may seek for help from the Purchaser for any questions,such as obtaining Negotiation Document,registration,or submission online.
7. 本设备采购文件为中英对照版,以中文版为准,英文版仅提供参考。
This Purchasing Document is made in Chinese and English, in any time, the Chinese version shall prevail, the English version is only for translation reference.
采购人:中海 (略)
Purchaser: CNOOC and Shell Petrochemicals Company Limited
联 系 人Contact:沈杨 Ms. Shen Yang
联系电话Tel:(86) 752-(略)
邮 编Code:(略)
Invitation to Negotiation
Project: 1 Set of Oxygen Mixing Nozzle for EO/EG Plant of CSPC Huizhou Phase 3 Ethylene Project
ITN Date: March 5th, 2025
1. 中海 (略) (采购人)就以下设备及相应技术服务进行竞争性谈判采购。现邀请谈判人对下列设备及服务提交报价:
CNOOC and Shell Petrochemicals Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as“the Purchaser”) intends to purchase the equipment and the relevant services with this Invitation to Negotiation (hereinafter referred to as “ITN”). The invited negotiators are kindly requested to provide the following equipment and service with Quotation.
Commodity: Oxygen Mixing Nozzle
Quantity: 1 set
从中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物: 合同签订后11个月(提单发货时间)
Delivery Schedule:
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory: 12 months after signing the contract (date of arrival on site);
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory: 11 months after signing the contract (departure date on Bill of Lading).
2. 从2025年3月5日始至2025年3月13日止,谈判人登 (略) 采办业务系统(http://**)下载竞争性谈判文件(电子版)。
The invited Negotiator may obtain the Negotiation Document by logging on the website(http://**)from March 5th, 2025 to March 13th,2025.
3. 谈判文件递交截止时间:所有文件应于2025年3月13日上午10:00(北京时间)前 (略) 采办业务系统完成在线上传。
The deadline and place for submission of Negotiation Document: All quotations must be uploaded on the above website no later than 10:00 a.m. March 13th, 2025 (Beijing time).
4. 竞争性谈判文件开启时间和地点由采购人自行确定。
Time and place for quotation opening shall be solely determined by the Purchaser.
5. 参与本项目的谈判人应在递交截至时间前在中海油采办业务系统(http://**)进行注册、完成在线投标报价等程序,否则其文件可能被拒绝。
The invited Negotiator shall register and quote on the “CNOOC Procurement Operation System” (http://**).Failure to complete on-line submission of quotations prior to the deadline for submission of quotations may be resulted in rejection of the quotation.
6. 谈判人有关于获取谈判文件、供应商注册以及在线投标等的问题,可以联系采购人。
The Negotiators may seek for help from the Purchaser for any questions,such as obtaining Negotiation Document,registration,or submission online.
7. 本设备采购文件为中英对照版,以中文版为准,英文版仅提供参考。
This Purchasing Document is made in Chinese and English, in any time, the Chinese version shall prevail, the English version is only for translation reference.
采购人:中海 (略)
Purchaser: CNOOC and Shell Petrochemicals Company Limited
联 系 人Contact:沈杨 Ms. Shen Yang
联系电话Tel:(86) 752-(略)
邮 编Code:(略)