


澄清或变更简要说明:投标截止时间/开标时间延期至 * 日9: * ( (略) 时间)
(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况:中海油 (略) 液化天然气(LNG) * 期项目浸没燃烧式气化器(SCV)成套包
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> JDCP *
招标项目名称:中海油 (略) 液化天然气(LNG) * 期项目浸没燃烧式气化器(SCV)成套包
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 市

序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格备注
1 燃烧式气化器(SCV)成套包 * 台 见技术规格书

Requirements for Qualificationand reference of Bidder:
(1)资格要求:Requirements for Qualification of Bidder
Bidder shall be manufacturer or authorized agent designated by manufacturer with the qualification of independent legal entity.
独立法人资格要求:关境内投标人应提供有效的营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证或 * 证合 * 营业执照等。关境外投标人应提供有效的独立法人证明。以证明投标人具有独立法人资格。
Bidder from within the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid business license, Organization Code Certificate and tax registration certificate or integrated business license combined above three certificates. Bidder from outside the PRC CustomsTerritory shall provide valid independent legal entity certificate.
代理商要求: (略) 投的货物(SCV设备主体)不是投标人自己制造的,投标人应得到货物制造商的同意以及其在本次投标中唯 * 提供该货物的正式授权书。
If the goods (equipmentbody) is not manufactured by bidder, the bidder shall obtain the consent of the manufacturer of the goods and the only legal official authority of the manufacturer.
(略) 件(管道和换热盘管)的制造商应具备中华人民共和国特种设备制造许可证(压力容器)或 (略) 特 (略) (SELO)颁发的制造许可证,且证书在有效期内。
Manufacturers of pressure vessel components (pipes and heat exchange coils)shall have Manufacturing license of the Peoples Republic ofChina (pressure vessel) or Manufacturing license issued by the speciallicensing office (SELO) of the general administration ofquality supervision, inspection and quarantine within the validity period.
(2)财务要求:Financial requirement
投标人应提供 点击查看>> 年审计机构出具的财务审计报告及经审计的财务报表,包括资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表。
Bidder shall submit 点击查看>> audited financial report issued by auditing agency, including balance sheets, cash flow statement, profit statement.
点击查看>> 年的年平均净资产:不低于等值 * 万元人民币;
Average net assets of lastthree years (from * to * ): not less than RMB * , * , * Yuan orequivalent;
点击查看>> 年的年平均资产负债率:小于0. * 。
Average asset-liabilityratio of last three years (from * to * ): less than 0. * .
(3)业绩要求: Requirements for reference of Bidder:
制造商自 * 日至投标截止之日(SCV投用时间),至少具有2个 (略) (设计产能不小于 * 万吨/年)业绩,且以上 (略) 中 (略) 理量不低于 * m3LNG/h的SCV气化器投用业绩。提供相关证明材料。
The manufacturer should have at least 2 LNG receiving terminal projects (design capacity notless than two million tons/year) SCV Vaporizer supply and successful application performance from January 1, * (The time the SCV is put into use). And the above LNG receiving stations should have at least one set SCV Vaporizer supply and successful application performance not less than * m3LNG/h. The references shall betestified by proof materials.
投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:(1)无价销售合同复印件(含相关技术附件)以及(2) (略) 调试合格报告(业主、监理等签章,签章日期视为投用日期)或用户证明(用户签章,其中明确投用时间)。 (略) 提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:项目名称及规模(设计产能)、设备名称(SCV气化器), (略) 理能力、投用日期。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法验证相关信息,或未 (略) 调试合格报告/用户证明的,均视为无效业绩。
Bidders shall submitperformance sheet in the prescribed format and submit relevant performance documents. Performancesupport documentsinclude, but are not limited to:(1)A copy of the pricelesssales contract(including related technical attachments) and (2) Approved commissioning report(signature of owner and supervisor,The signing date is considered the date of use). or userproof (user signature, which the time put into use should make clear). Theperformance documents submittedby the bidder must at least reflect the following content:The project name andscale(design capacity),Thename of the equipment(SCV Vaporizer),the capacity of SCV. Failure to submit performancesupporting documents, or performance supporting documents provided, which fail toverify relevant information, or failure to provideon-site commissioning ofqualified reports/user certificates, are considered invalid performance.
制造商应提供ISO * 质量管理体系认证证书,且证书在有效期内。代理商投 (略) 代理的产品制造商的ISO证书。
Manufacturer shall have the ISO * quality management system certification and the certificate is valid.The agent shall have the ISO certificate of the product manufacturer.
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购地点:https:/ 点击查看>>
招标文件售价:¥ * /$ *
其他说明: (略) 投标交易平台办理CA锁CA锁便于用来线上投标时使用,咨询全流程操作电话: 点击查看>> 2或 点击查看>>
After obtaining the bidding documents, the bidder shall log on the trading platform of bidding and tendering for mechanicaland electrical products to handle the CA lock, which is convenient for online bidding.For consultation, the whole process can be operated by 点击查看>> 2or 点击查看>> .
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> * : *
投标文件送达地点: (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http://)。
开标地点: (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http://)。
6、投标人在投标 (略) (https:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(https://)完成注册及信息核验。评标结 (略) 和公示。
招标人:中海油 (略) 液 (略)
地址: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 疆港区南航东路 * 号
联系方式:+ * - * 点击查看>>
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
联系方式::+ * * 点击查看>>
招标代理 (略) (人民币):
招标代理 (略) (美元):

澄清或变更简要说明:投标截止时间/开标时间延期至 * 日9: * ( (略) 时间)
(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况:中海油 (略) 液化天然气(LNG) * 期项目浸没燃烧式气化器(SCV)成套包
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> JDCP *
招标项目名称:中海油 (略) 液化天然气(LNG) * 期项目浸没燃烧式气化器(SCV)成套包
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 市

序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格备注
1 燃烧式气化器(SCV)成套包 * 台 见技术规格书

Requirements for Qualificationand reference of Bidder:
(1)资格要求:Requirements for Qualification of Bidder
Bidder shall be manufacturer or authorized agent designated by manufacturer with the qualification of independent legal entity.
独立法人资格要求:关境内投标人应提供有效的营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证或 * 证合 * 营业执照等。关境外投标人应提供有效的独立法人证明。以证明投标人具有独立法人资格。
Bidder from within the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid business license, Organization Code Certificate and tax registration certificate or integrated business license combined above three certificates. Bidder from outside the PRC CustomsTerritory shall provide valid independent legal entity certificate.
代理商要求: (略) 投的货物(SCV设备主体)不是投标人自己制造的,投标人应得到货物制造商的同意以及其在本次投标中唯 * 提供该货物的正式授权书。
If the goods (equipmentbody) is not manufactured by bidder, the bidder shall obtain the consent of the manufacturer of the goods and the only legal official authority of the manufacturer.
(略) 件(管道和换热盘管)的制造商应具备中华人民共和国特种设备制造许可证(压力容器)或 (略) 特 (略) (SELO)颁发的制造许可证,且证书在有效期内。
Manufacturers of pressure vessel components (pipes and heat exchange coils)shall have Manufacturing license of the Peoples Republic ofChina (pressure vessel) or Manufacturing license issued by the speciallicensing office (SELO) of the general administration ofquality supervision, inspection and quarantine within the validity period.
(2)财务要求:Financial requirement
投标人应提供 点击查看>> 年审计机构出具的财务审计报告及经审计的财务报表,包括资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表。
Bidder shall submit 点击查看>> audited financial report issued by auditing agency, including balance sheets, cash flow statement, profit statement.
点击查看>> 年的年平均净资产:不低于等值 * 万元人民币;
Average net assets of lastthree years (from * to * ): not less than RMB * , * , * Yuan orequivalent;
点击查看>> 年的年平均资产负债率:小于0. * 。
Average asset-liabilityratio of last three years (from * to * ): less than 0. * .
(3)业绩要求: Requirements for reference of Bidder:
制造商自 * 日至投标截止之日(SCV投用时间),至少具有2个 (略) (设计产能不小于 * 万吨/年)业绩,且以上 (略) 中 (略) 理量不低于 * m3LNG/h的SCV气化器投用业绩。提供相关证明材料。
The manufacturer should have at least 2 LNG receiving terminal projects (design capacity notless than two million tons/year) SCV Vaporizer supply and successful application performance from January 1, * (The time the SCV is put into use). And the above LNG receiving stations should have at least one set SCV Vaporizer supply and successful application performance not less than * m3LNG/h. The references shall betestified by proof materials.
投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:(1)无价销售合同复印件(含相关技术附件)以及(2) (略) 调试合格报告(业主、监理等签章,签章日期视为投用日期)或用户证明(用户签章,其中明确投用时间)。 (略) 提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:项目名称及规模(设计产能)、设备名称(SCV气化器), (略) 理能力、投用日期。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法验证相关信息,或未 (略) 调试合格报告/用户证明的,均视为无效业绩。
Bidders shall submitperformance sheet in the prescribed format and submit relevant performance documents. Performancesupport documentsinclude, but are not limited to:(1)A copy of the pricelesssales contract(including related technical attachments) and (2) Approved commissioning report(signature of owner and supervisor,The signing date is considered the date of use). or userproof (user signature, which the time put into use should make clear). Theperformance documents submittedby the bidder must at least reflect the following content:The project name andscale(design capacity),Thename of the equipment(SCV Vaporizer),the capacity of SCV. Failure to submit performancesupporting documents, or performance supporting documents provided, which fail toverify relevant information, or failure to provideon-site commissioning ofqualified reports/user certificates, are considered invalid performance.
制造商应提供ISO * 质量管理体系认证证书,且证书在有效期内。代理商投 (略) 代理的产品制造商的ISO证书。
Manufacturer shall have the ISO * quality management system certification and the certificate is valid.The agent shall have the ISO certificate of the product manufacturer.
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购地点:https:/ 点击查看>>
招标文件售价:¥ * /$ *
其他说明: (略) 投标交易平台办理CA锁CA锁便于用来线上投标时使用,咨询全流程操作电话: 点击查看>> 2或 点击查看>>
After obtaining the bidding documents, the bidder shall log on the trading platform of bidding and tendering for mechanicaland electrical products to handle the CA lock, which is convenient for online bidding.For consultation, the whole process can be operated by 点击查看>> 2or 点击查看>> .
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> * : *
投标文件送达地点: (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http://)。
开标地点: (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http://)。
6、投标人在投标 (略) (https:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(https://)完成注册及信息核验。评标结 (略) 和公示。
招标人:中海油 (略) 液 (略)
地址: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 疆港区南航东路 * 号
联系方式:+ * - * 点击查看>>
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
联系方式::+ * * 点击查看>>
招标代理 (略) (人民币):
招标代理 (略) (美元):





