澄清或变更简要说明: (略) 需 (略) 理系统、 (略) 理系统、超纯水Loop以及本地 (略) 理和供应系统、 (略) 理系统等, (略) 分具体详见招标技术文件工作范围。
上海 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2022-04-25在发布变更公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况: (略) 需 (略) 理系统、 (略) 理系统、超纯水Loop以及本地 (略) 理和供应系统、 (略) 理系统等, (略) 分具体详见招标技术文件工作范围。
(略) :0613- 点击查看>>
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 |
1 | UPW系统新建项目 | 1 | (略) 需 (略) 理系统、 (略) 理系统、超纯水Loop以及本地 (略) 理和供应系统、 (略) 理系统等, (略) 分具体详见招标技术文件工作范围。 | |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:3、*投标人资格要求/Qualification Requirements For Bidder:
(1)本标书投标联合体牵头人必须具有12英寸 (略) (略) 家28纳米及以下更先进制程工艺用UPW系统新建项目相关设计经验(列举主要项目名称)。同时必须在过去五年内具有2套及以上12 (略) (略) (已量产)超纯水系统的项目业绩,并提供项目的销售合同文本证明、用户调查反馈表(可验证的客户联系人和联系方式)。
The leading party of the tender should have relevant design experience of 12 inch advanced integrated circuit manufacturers’s UPW Systems, for which the technology node is 28 nm. (List the main project name). have 2 sets above 12 inch integrated circuit manufacturing plants (which have been produced) over pure water system project performance, and provide the project sales contract text proof, user survey feedback table (verifiable customer contact and contact mode).
The bidder or the leading party of the tender should have obtained the authentication of ISO9001 Quality Management System. or equivalent quality management certification(please supply proof of documents)
The registered capital of the bidders or the leading party is not less than $4 million(please supply proof of documents)
(4)投标人或投标联合体牵头人过去3年(2018-2020)的年平均营业额不能低于3000万美元,须提供过去3年(2018-2020) (略) 审计的财务报表和审计报告。
The average revenue over the past 3 years(2018-2020)of the bidder or the leading party is not less than $3000 million(please provide financial statements and audit reports for the past 3 years (2018-2020)audited by accounting firms.
The bidder or the party who is responsible for the construction in the Consortium should have the following certification (please supply proof of documents).
建筑机电安装工程专业承包 或 机电工程施工总承包一级或以上
A-level or above qualification as specialized contractor of machinery equipment installation project
A-level or above qualification as general contractor of mechanical & electrical installation project
Hold the "Safety Production License"
(6)项目经理的资格要求:投标人拟担任本招标项目的项目经理应具备建 (略) 门核发的合格有效的一级注册建造师执业资格,具备有效的安全生产考核合格证书。需在投标文件中提供相应证明材料,且证书状态为“正常”。并且不得同时担任两个及以上建设工程项目施工项目负责人。现场项目经理须有2个以上类似规模项目的项目经理经历(请提供项目经历)。如果是外籍人员担任项目经理,必须配备一个中方现场经理,中方现场经理同样需要2个以上同等规模项目的管理经验
The project manager is required to: with the housing construction issued by the administrative department of Qualified and effective National Registered First-Class Contruction Engineer, with the valid Safety inspection certificate. All corresponding proof material shall be provided in tender documents, and the certificate status is normal. The project manager shall not be responsible for the construction project for two or more at the same time.
The bidder shall provide manufacturers authorization of the major equipment and materials, as well as commitment letter in accordance with the technical requirements of the brand and format
The bidder shall not participate in the bidding if he/she has any dishonest behavior in recent 3 years, such as violating laws and regulations, cheating or winning the bid, serious breach of contract or major project quality or safety, etc., if he/she participates in the bidding, his/her bidding documents will be rejected.
Other conditions as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
4、本次招标接受联合体投标。/Joint Bids is Available.
The consortium bid is accepted in the tender. If the bidder forms a CONSORTIUM to make a joint bidding for the project, all members of the CONSORTIUM shall sign a consortium agreement according to the format in the bidding document. The consortium agreement shall definite the responsibility, right and obligation among the leading party and other members of the tender. The CONSORTIUM is no more than three union members.
Each member shall not make a bid in this project in one’s own name or as a member of other CONSORTIUMS.
招标文件领购地点: (略) (略) 恒达广场16楼(上海 (略) )
投标截止时间(开标时间):2022-05-06 09:30
投标文件送达地点: (略) (略) 恒达广场10楼(上海 (略) )
开标地点: (略) (略) 恒达广场10楼(上海 (略) )
https:/ 点击查看>> )或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(
招标人:中芯 (略) (略)
地址:临 (略) 产业区扩区XXCY-05单元02-01地块
点击查看>> 招标代理机构:上海 (略)
地址: (略) (略) 恒达广场16楼(上海 (略) )
点击查看>> 8、汇款方式:
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币):中国建设银行上海 (略)
招标代理机构开户银行(美元):中国建设银行上海 (略)
点击查看>> 点击查看>> 账号(美元):
点击查看>> 点击查看>> 澄清或变更简要说明: (略) 需 (略) 理系统、 (略) 理系统、超纯水Loop以及本地 (略) 理和供应系统、 (略) 理系统等, (略) 分具体详见招标技术文件工作范围。
上海 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2022-04-25在发布变更公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况: (略) 需 (略) 理系统、 (略) 理系统、超纯水Loop以及本地 (略) 理和供应系统、 (略) 理系统等, (略) 分具体详见招标技术文件工作范围。
(略) :0613- 点击查看>>
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 |
1 | UPW系统新建项目 | 1 | (略) 需 (略) 理系统、 (略) 理系统、超纯水Loop以及本地 (略) 理和供应系统、 (略) 理系统等, (略) 分具体详见招标技术文件工作范围。 | |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:3、*投标人资格要求/Qualification Requirements For Bidder:
(1)本标书投标联合体牵头人必须具有12英寸 (略) (略) 家28纳米及以下更先进制程工艺用UPW系统新建项目相关设计经验(列举主要项目名称)。同时必须在过去五年内具有2套及以上12 (略) (略) (已量产)超纯水系统的项目业绩,并提供项目的销售合同文本证明、用户调查反馈表(可验证的客户联系人和联系方式)。
The leading party of the tender should have relevant design experience of 12 inch advanced integrated circuit manufacturers’s UPW Systems, for which the technology node is 28 nm. (List the main project name). have 2 sets above 12 inch integrated circuit manufacturing plants (which have been produced) over pure water system project performance, and provide the project sales contract text proof, user survey feedback table (verifiable customer contact and contact mode).
The bidder or the leading party of the tender should have obtained the authentication of ISO9001 Quality Management System. or equivalent quality management certification(please supply proof of documents)
The registered capital of the bidders or the leading party is not less than $4 million(please supply proof of documents)
(4)投标人或投标联合体牵头人过去3年(2018-2020)的年平均营业额不能低于3000万美元,须提供过去3年(2018-2020) (略) 审计的财务报表和审计报告。
The average revenue over the past 3 years(2018-2020)of the bidder or the leading party is not less than $3000 million(please provide financial statements and audit reports for the past 3 years (2018-2020)audited by accounting firms.
The bidder or the party who is responsible for the construction in the Consortium should have the following certification (please supply proof of documents).
建筑机电安装工程专业承包 或 机电工程施工总承包一级或以上
A-level or above qualification as specialized contractor of machinery equipment installation project
A-level or above qualification as general contractor of mechanical & electrical installation project
Hold the "Safety Production License"
(6)项目经理的资格要求:投标人拟担任本招标项目的项目经理应具备建 (略) 门核发的合格有效的一级注册建造师执业资格,具备有效的安全生产考核合格证书。需在投标文件中提供相应证明材料,且证书状态为“正常”。并且不得同时担任两个及以上建设工程项目施工项目负责人。现场项目经理须有2个以上类似规模项目的项目经理经历(请提供项目经历)。如果是外籍人员担任项目经理,必须配备一个中方现场经理,中方现场经理同样需要2个以上同等规模项目的管理经验
The project manager is required to: with the housing construction issued by the administrative department of Qualified and effective National Registered First-Class Contruction Engineer, with the valid Safety inspection certificate. All corresponding proof material shall be provided in tender documents, and the certificate status is normal. The project manager shall not be responsible for the construction project for two or more at the same time.
The bidder shall provide manufacturers authorization of the major equipment and materials, as well as commitment letter in accordance with the technical requirements of the brand and format
The bidder shall not participate in the bidding if he/she has any dishonest behavior in recent 3 years, such as violating laws and regulations, cheating or winning the bid, serious breach of contract or major project quality or safety, etc., if he/she participates in the bidding, his/her bidding documents will be rejected.
Other conditions as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
4、本次招标接受联合体投标。/Joint Bids is Available.
The consortium bid is accepted in the tender. If the bidder forms a CONSORTIUM to make a joint bidding for the project, all members of the CONSORTIUM shall sign a consortium agreement according to the format in the bidding document. The consortium agreement shall definite the responsibility, right and obligation among the leading party and other members of the tender. The CONSORTIUM is no more than three union members.
Each member shall not make a bid in this project in one’s own name or as a member of other CONSORTIUMS.
招标文件领购地点: (略) (略) 恒达广场16楼(上海 (略) )
投标截止时间(开标时间):2022-05-06 09:30
投标文件送达地点: (略) (略) 恒达广场10楼(上海 (略) )
开标地点: (略) (略) 恒达广场10楼(上海 (略) )
https:/ 点击查看>> )或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(
招标人:中芯 (略) (略)
地址:临 (略) 产业区扩区XXCY-05单元02-01地块
点击查看>> 招标代理机构:上海 (略)
地址: (略) (略) 恒达广场16楼(上海 (略) )
点击查看>> 8、汇款方式:
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币):中国建设银行上海 (略)
招标代理机构开户银行(美元):中国建设银行上海 (略)
点击查看>> 点击查看>> 账号(美元):
点击查看>> 点击查看>> 63