亚行贷款 (略) 市基础设施建设项目
(略) 市智能交通系统(合同编号:ELF2) (略)
(略) 述项目的投标截止时间从 * 日9: * 时延期至 * 日9: * 时,报名截止时间相应延期至 * 日9: * 时。
Yunnan Chuxiong Urban Environment Improvement Project
(Loan No: * -PRC)
- ICB Procurement of Goods of ITS and Traffic Control for Lufeng
- Contract No.: ELF2
During the preparation of bid documents, we received some clarifications from the bidders. Due to necessity to respond the clarifications, we decide to extend the deadline for bid submission from 9: * a.m. * September * to 9: * a.m. * October * .
亚行贷款 (略) 市基础设施建设项目
(略) 市智能交通系统(合同编号:ELF2) (略)
(略) 述项目的投标截止时间从 * 日9: * 时延期至 * 日9: * 时,报名截止时间相应延期至 * 日9: * 时。
Yunnan Chuxiong Urban Environment Improvement Project
(Loan No: * -PRC)
- ICB Procurement of Goods of ITS and Traffic Control for Lufeng
- Contract No.: ELF2
During the preparation of bid documents, we received some clarifications from the bidders. Due to necessity to respond the clarifications, we decide to extend the deadline for bid submission from 9: * a.m. * September * to 9: * a.m. * October * .